Monday, July 25, 2011

Is it August yet?

Isabella and Victoria have been waiting patiently for August to come. They keep asking about their birthdays, and we keep mentioning something called "August". Poor Isabella is so confused because she knows two boys named August, so it's so hard to explain that her birthday has absolutely nothing to do with these boys. I keep putting off making a paper chain to help them understand how many days are left, but time seems to be getting away from me. Well, finally, today Isabella helped Mommy address, put stamps on, and mail away the party invitations. She was so excited to help! Victoria is excited as well, and has only one request for the party: party hats!

Le Tour de Daddy

Maybe she was inspired by the recent and intense Tour de France, but this little one wanted to get up and go riding with Daddy. She's got her jersey on, she just needs a few more months until she can reach her tricyle's pedals.

"Say cheese!" says Isabella with her Tinkerbell phone.

Girly Girl

This little girl has gone from not wanting me to comb her hair to wanting:
pigtails, ponytails "just like Mommy", big bows, sparkly clips, and crowns. She twirls with excitement when it's a dress-wearing day and cries and pouts when it's not. Her favorite place to play inside the house is Mommy's closet where she tries on every pair of heels that is within her reach. We can hear her clomping along the tile floors as she parades around the house to see which pair is her favorite. Yesterday she received her first lip gloss (as a party favor), and all we could hear coming from the back seat was the lip gloss wand going in and out of the container as she applied and re-applied her gloss on her rasberry-smelling lips. When I turned around, she had a shiny, sloppy, wet grin from ear to ear.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lizzie Lou's Wedding

This past Saturday, my dear friend, Elizabeth (Lizzie Lou) got hitched to the man she's been praying for. God answered our prayers about a year and a half ago by bringing David into her life. They are absolutely perfect for each other, and I've never seen her happier. The wedding was beautiful, but the bride was radiant! Congratulations to the newlyweds! We are so happy for you!

Ahhhhhhh!! They're husband and wife!

Announcing "Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence"!!!!!! Woo hoo!

the first dance

Christina and Mimi

the matrons of honor

Me and my silly husband

Because Mark never takes pictures seriously, neither will I.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy Indepence Day!

What a fun (and hot) 4th! To help cool us off, we started the afternoon with an outing to the neighborhood pool with the Ramos family. All five of them joined us for some swimming and splashing and then we headed back home for get the grill going for some of Mark's deeeeeeeelicious fajitas, and the kiddos snacked on some home-made lemon dream popsicles while they waited patiently for the meal. After satisfying our tummies with dinner, we all enjoyed a festive dessert thanks to Brisa. Yummy yummy for our tummies!