At this week's appointment, the doc said that I'm 1cm dialated! Yea for progress! She's dropping more and more each day which makes it a bit uncomfy. Now I know why pregos waddle.
I have been happily married to my best friend for eight years. We have three beautiful blessings who keep us on our toes and laughing everyday. When not working with the family business, he enjoys spending time playing with the kids, bow hunting, taking long bike rides when he gets a chance and passionately following Christ. Some may call me a sahm, but I prefer Domestic Goddess...ha :) I am a lover of Jesus that enjoys trying out new recipes, going on family walks, running outdoors, staying at home with the girls, and doing anything crafty. With three little ones, days can be exhausting but so rewarding, and I am very excited to share our daily happily ever afters with you.
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