Happy birthday Isabella Mia! What a joy that past two years have been! This past year you have grown so much!
- You love to run everywhere you go.
- You talk constantly from the moment you get up until the moment your eyes close at night, even though 80% if what you say is in another language.
- You love books! You love to look at them on your own and you love to be read to.
- You love to sleep with Baby right next to you.
- You are a milk lover and gulp it down as if it were going out of style.
- You highly dislike being dirty, from your hands to your toes.
- You always wake up in a good mood...you are definitely a morning person like your daddy.
- You are finally taking baths in the tub like a big girl...no more baby bathtub...phew! That was a battle!
- You like to sing songs while we go for walks in the morning.
- You love to suck your thumb in the car and in your crib.
- You love snack time!
- You're not too sure about swimming pools, but you finally went down the toddler water slide all by yourself! We were so proud of you!
- Your favorite shows are Sesame Street and Dora.
- You are such a good eater and will do anything for a piece of bread.
- You don't like avocados or hot dogs....again, just like your daddy.
- You love music (music class, music in the car, music in the playroom, books that play music) and you love to dance and get dizzy to it.
Words that I will miss you pronouncing as you grow up:
• music = "seek-in" ....don't know where that one came from
• milk = "me-yoke"
• good morning = "ha morning"
• Victoria = "Toria"
• banana = "nana"
• school bus = "scuba"
• thank you = "ta-choo"
• please = "peas"
• blanket = "banky"
You are growing up so fast Sweet Pea, so I cherish every moment with you! I love you, Mommy.