Well, this morning was a bit sad. I had to keep telling myself that it would only be a couple of hours and then I could go get her. If she doesn’t like it, we can forget the whole thing all together and we can get back to our normal routine. But things went better than expected. Mark dropped Isabella off this morning and he was hoping for maybe a tear or two, but Isabella hardly looked back. A hug and “I wub you” at the classroom door was enough for her, and then she was off to play with the baby dolls and rice table leaving Daddy a bit snubbed. When Victoria and I picked her up two hours later, I was expecting a look of relief on Isabella’s face, but she seemed to have an extra skip in her step on the way to the car as she recalled what she had done with her new friends. She said, “snack...goldfish” and then during the ride home she shared how she had colored an Elmo coloring page with “colors, crayons, Elmo” and then during lunch she continued to share about her playground time with “outside, slide, bucket, and shovel” and oh yes, her favorite....“storytime”. So there you have it....a morning full of fun! Let’s see her emotions on Thursday morning when Daddy drops her off again....hmmmm.

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