• At H.E.B., if they use an inside voice, keep their hands to themselves in the cart, and don't whine if they see something they want, they get an H.E.B. sticker when we're all done. (Now these are the big stickers they put on purchased items that don't go in a grocery bag to show that you've paid for them...like milk gallons. Silly, but they love them, and since Mommy is mean and only allows the H.E.B. balloons on special occasions and has outlawed the H.E.B. lollipops, they'll take what they can get.)
• At the gym, I'd been having trouble with the girls taking their socks and shoes off and then not being able to find their socks when it's time to go. (They are asked to take their shoes off when using "The Maze", big indoor playscape, but are supposed to leave their socks on.) So, we have lost 3 pairs of socks there. Funny thing is, Victoria never has her socks on when I come to pick them up, but I KNOW she is still unable to take her socks off by herself. Hmmm....big sister needs a partner in crime, I guess. Thankfully, they've all been socks from the Target dollar section, but still, it's a pain to search for socks when I just want to get home and get lunch started. So now, the girls receive a sticker from the daycare employee who is checking us out if they have remembered to leave their socks on. So the last time we went to the gym the conversation went like this:
Mommy: "Isabella, thank you for taking care of the things God gives us by leaving your socks on. Would you like a sticker?"
Isabella: "Yes." (Lady gives her a itty bitty sticker.) "Thank you, now can my mommy please have one? She was good at exercising."
• Lastly, I had to use a whole package of stickers yesterday. As the three of us were on our way to the library (to look for anything having to do with The Wiggles) we were side-swiped by a green truck that then fled the scene. So while we waited for the Po-Po to show up at the library, we all sat outside and the girls stayed busy decorating me with princess stickers that I luckily have had in my purse for months. Never know when you might need stickers. " Looks like you got attacked by the sticker monster." said the policeman...when he finally showed up.
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