We decided to have a pancake party for the girls' birthday this year. With temperatures reaching over 100 all summer, we knew if we were going to have a party at home, it needed to be in the morning. We also knew that a morning party would be perfect for two and three year olds who still take an afternoon nap. And what adult doesn't mind a party that serves muffins and mimosas? So, why not wear jammies too? The party was jam-packed with friends, family, and fun!
This is our giving tree where our guests could clip their donations to Compassion International. Thank you to everyone! We collected $115! That's three months worth of clean food and water, medical care, educational opportunities, and teachings about Jesus Christ.
Auntie Brisa and sweet cousin Noah. What a wonderful and easy-going baby he was all throughout the party!
Happy birthday Victoria and Isabella! We love you too much and are excited to see what God has in store for you this next year!
Looks like such a pretty party you put together. Beautiful decor and food! You're such a good Mommy!! Love, Misty