Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Conversations with Isabella

Every night I (Daddy) try to love on my girls before they close their eyes for the night. We kiss and hug and talk. Last night's conversation with Isabella went something like this:
Daddy: I am going to take you on a date this Friday.
Isabella: Is Toria coming too?
Daddy: Not this time, it's going to be just the two of us. We're going to eat dinner at a restaurant and dance under the stars.
Isabella: We're going dancing just me and you?
Daddy: Yes, we are going on a date!
Isabella: Yes, we are married. I am so excited.
Daddy (smiling ear to ear): Yes, just like we are married. We are spending Friday night together.
Then tonight's conversation was cute and memorable:
Daddy: What was your favorite thing today?
Isabella: Being married!
Daddy: (thinking what she meant, then it dawned on me) Yes, Daddy is so excited about Friday night!
Isabella: Me too Daddy!
Being a Daddy is such a blessing, I thank our Father for two wonderful daughters and a beautiful bride who patiently loves the three of us so much day in and day out.

1 comment:

  1. i got your message about the resurrection eggs and responded on my blog - but i figured i'd message you on your blog. ;) send me your e-mail address (clalbright AT gmail.com) and i'll send them to ya! toodles, courtney


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