Monday, February 20, 2012
So we have been trying to create some order out of the chaos that comes with moving houses, moving cities, and changing jobs. It hasn't been easy and it has been exhausting. I am so thankful for my hubby who is just as eager and motivated as I am to get our house in order and to make it feel like home. He has been working his tail off, hanging draperies, moving furniture, unpacking boxes and boxes, hanging pictures, killing weeds, and much much more. It makes for busy evenings and weekends. We only have a handful of boxes left, so we can see the light at the end of the tunnel...for the inside. Now we have to attack the outside. The girls miss the "white house" and all the securities it brought, so we have been trying to make this move as easy for them as possible. They have been amazingly flexible, especially the first three weeks when we all slept on air mattresses and used cardboard boxes as nightstands while we waiting for our "white house" to sell so we could move our furniture to our new home. They didn't even seem to notice the change in furniture style. They actually seemed to enjoy an empty house so they could ride their Plasma Cars freely without momma warning them not to hit the furniture. But I do think they were secretly relieved to sleep in their snuggly beds again once they arrived. They have also been super easy going as we visited and toured five different preschools, have attended three different churches on Sunday mornings, two different gyms, and met many new faces. During these past few weeks, we have come to learn that even though Isabella is more cautious and initially is more introverted, she has been more willing to try new places and adapt to new surroundings, whereas, Victoria is not so eager for change. Even though Victoria is more daring and initially more extroverted, she has been the more clingy and cautious one when entering new environments. So, when it comes to new surroundings, Isabella is more like her daddy while Victoria is more like her mommy. I've had to remind myself not to dwell on the past and all the things I miss, but be excited about what the future holds here for us in our new city!
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I'm also going to work on not dwelling too much on all the things I'll miss in Brooklyn. Hopefully Joaquin will adjust as easily as your girls.