I thought I'd do a quick blog about who or what you enjoy taking to bed with you, so when you're older you can look back and smile. Because I have no idea if I slept with anything...maybe Rainbow Brite, my Cabbage Patch doll?
Isabella, you have been loyal to Baby and take her to bed with you since we bought her in February of 2010. She sleeps right beside you on her tummy and Lamby sleeps at the bottom of your bed. He has always enjoyed somewhere near your feet since you were six months old. Sometimes Paisley gets a special invitation to sleep with you. And today, you insisted that your black and white polka-dot headband (a.k.a. your "crown") sleep under your pillow for safe-keeping.
Victoria, you have a special place in your heart for Puppy. You are eager to see him and hold him each day at naptime and bedtime. Your face lights up with relief whenever he is in your arms and your thumb immediately goes into your mouth while your other hand strokes his floppy ear. He is always right by your side in your crib. Though you are loyal to him, you also have some other friends that you like to share your crib with: Miss Peggy (not Piggy), Froggy, Panda, Bunny, and occasionally Elmo. Yes, every corner of your crib is covered leaving just enough space for you to sleep the way you are most comfortable, cross-wise with your legs sticking out the slats.
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