Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Mark was out of town, so it's just the three of us girls sitting down at the table with our dinners in from of us. We have just prayed and have begun to dig in. Isabella is picking at her food and then begins to whimper.

Mommy: "What's wrong?"
Isabella: "This is terrible."
Mommy: "What's terrible?"
Isabella: "My dinner."

This was the first time that she has used the word "terrible". I never thought it would be used to describe a meal, but my feelings weren't hurt at all. Actually I couldn't stop laughing. Thankfully, it wasn't a home-cooked meal. Since Daddy was out of town it was the perfect night for a couple toddler TV dinners. Note to self: Don't buy any more Gerber mac n' cheese box dinners.

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