I Love:
1. your silly faces that you make when I make you take pictures with me! Usually it takes 3 to 4 shots before I can get you to crack a normal smile! I might complain and get annoyed at you and question why while I am trying to get a picture, but the silly faces are classic and so you!
2. how habitual you are in your morning quiet time.
3. the way you don't fully wake up until you have a workout.
4. the way you roll around, tickle, and play with our girls.
5. how much you love and fear the Lord!
6. that you also love to get in bed and read a good book when it's still light outside.
7. that you have a passion for hunting, fishing, and cycling and you want to share those passions with me.
8. that you are such a great listener.
9. that you are so easy to please at mealtimes and will eat pretty much anything!
10. your honesty.
11. that you take real family pictures once a year and don't complain that we all have to coordinate.
12. that you admit you have a horrible sense of style and you are so comfortable with it.
13. that you let me lay out your "outfits" before we are heading out in public.
14. that you are so patient, especially with me.
15. that you are so romantic and are always looking for ways to love me.
16. that family is so important to you and you love spending time with both sides of our family.
17. that you surprise me with flowers every now and then.
18. that you work so hard for our family to provide and take care of us.
19. your muscles.
20. that you can fix pretty much anything even though your time estimates are always WAY off.
21. that you are almost as much of a perfectionist as I am.
22. that you will skip a bike ride to go walk/run with me and the girls at Town Lake.
23. that even though you think fashion is silly and there are trends you despise you still let me wear what I like....like when you bought me my UGGS in New York.
24. that you are so simple in so many ways, but so HM in others, like with all your specific dairy products we have to buy and the way you order your meals at restaurants.
25. that you'll occasionally sit down with me and watch Project Runway or Curb Appeal.
26. that being a good Daddy is so important to you and you are so hands-on with our girls.
27. that you are so comfortable with who you are and how God made you.
28. that you are so extroverted and can have a conversation with a shoe which helps to balance me out.
29. that you leave me notes around the house when you go out of town.
30. that you occasionally write me romantic poems.
31. the way you like to shave your head 6 months out of the year but will grow it back because I'm tired of your bald head for the next 6 months.
32. when you give me back rubs.
33. that you don't get mad at me when I fall asleep while watching movies, 9 out of 10 times this happens.
34. that you have turned into "that daddy" that pulls out his phone to show his friends and colleagues...and strangers...photos of our girls.
35. that Friday date nights are important to you.
36. that you enjoy bathing, reading to, praying with, and kissing the girls every night.