Monday, July 11, 2011

Lizzie Lou's Wedding

This past Saturday, my dear friend, Elizabeth (Lizzie Lou) got hitched to the man she's been praying for. God answered our prayers about a year and a half ago by bringing David into her life. They are absolutely perfect for each other, and I've never seen her happier. The wedding was beautiful, but the bride was radiant! Congratulations to the newlyweds! We are so happy for you!

Ahhhhhhh!! They're husband and wife!

Announcing "Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence"!!!!!! Woo hoo!

the first dance

Christina and Mimi

the matrons of honor

Me and my silly husband

Because Mark never takes pictures seriously, neither will I.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for posting comments now! :) These pictures turned out so well; it was an awesome celebration. And I love the last makes me laugh.


Thanks for your comments!