Saturday, June 2, 2012

First Fishing Trip

So Grandpa took the day off to take the girls fishing.  It was going to be a morning with just the three of them, but when their daddy found out, he couldn't miss their first fishing experience.  So he took the day off too.

I think the boys were more excited than the little girls.  The night before, Mark took the girls to Academy to pick out their own fishing poles.  Punkin chose a lime green Tinkerbell one, and Sweet Pea settled for a pink Princess pole (since her first choice, Hello Kitty, wasn't an option at the store).  Charlie came over after the girls when to sleep and they both got their poles ready and tackle boxes packed.

Grandpa comes knocking early the next morning ready to go!  Everyone gets packed up, and they all head out.  And Momma gets the morning off!

Sounds like they all had a great time, and the girls had a fun and successful first fishing experience.  They came home with sixteen pounds of catfish!  Isabella was reeling in her own fish by the end of the morning, and Victoria caught one just about as big as her pint-sized self.  We baked up the day's catch for dinner and all five of us gobbled them up.  The girls loved them!

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