Sunday, November 3, 2013

Catchin' Up - Gianna Rose

So I have a lot of catchin' up to do.  Last time I posted pics of Gianna she was seven months old and in less than two weeks she'll be a year!  So here are some photos of our Sugar Bear.  At a few days shy of turning a year old she is now officially walking.  She loves trying to keep up with her big sisters, so she had to learn fast.  She has 7 teeth and another is breaking through.  She's a happy baby that is pretty easy going when it comes to her big sisters toting her around.  I have to often remind them that she's not a doll.  She's surprisingly patient when Mommy's busy with the other two doing homework, dressing, combing, feeding, etc.. She's not so patient when it's time to change her diaper or drink her milk.  She has a hardy appetite and so far has liked everything she's been introduced to.  Sugar Bear loves saying "more" and is learning to say "please".  She's not much of a talker yet, but more of a listener as there is plenty to listen to in our house.  She is easily entertained, thank goodness, and one of her favorite toys is the recycling bin.  She can always find something new and interesting to play with in there.  We all love our "Shoogs"  so much and can't imagine our family without her.  She brings all of us so much joy and so many smiles.




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